6 Simple Changes for a Delicious 2017

2016 was something, wasn't it? Let's not even get into it - We all know what happened in the world. I'll leave what happened personally .... personal. But a freshly baked new year is here and I do hope it is delicious!

The one thing about January 1st is its a chance to start over. A fresh slate. A new beginning. There's a sense of the unknown. Expectations. Perhaps even a little excitement? What will the coming year bring?

I for one am excited. I have a lot of plans for this year. My album, Plush Red Chair should be released. (which if you haven't signed up for the free download ... what are you waiting for?) My husband's new show Reuben will premiere. More performances. New videos. More writing. Perhaps even Divalicious! (my latest show) will experience its premiere. What new songs will I write? Where will I travel to? So much potential for the year.

I saw this great blog post 217 Things to Do in 2017. I found it interesting. Although a lot of the things listed were not for me - it inspired me. Now I'm not one for overdoing myself with resolutions. That is a recipe for disaster. And I want a delicious 2017. So - it is imperative to keep things simple and yet have a plan.

Here are my 6 Simple changes to a Delicious 2017

  1. Focus - When we focus we get more done in a shorter amount of time. That we can just do. Focus on work. Focus on our family. Focus on our children. Focus on our goal. Focus on what is in front of you at the moment. No distractions. No Facebook. No telephone. Just you and that moment.
  2. Goals and dreams - The Slight Edge This is a great book for those of you who haven't read it yet. Similar to how you eat an elephant - one bite at a time. Write down your goals - health, career, family ... whatever. Continue plugging away. A little bit every day.
  3. Experiences - Choose 4 new things to experience. Write them down. One for each quarter. Experience them!
  4. Spirituality - Write down 4 ways to give back. One for each quarter. And then do them.
  5. Learning - Write down something you want to learn and then start learning it before mid-year.
  6. Time Management - I love my Passion Planner It's a way to put your goals and dreams on paper and put the "Slight Edge" concept to work.

So there you have it my resolutions for the coming year.

Happy New Year everyone. May it be delicious!
